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June 2004

"The dawning of a new era and way of being in our Universe and on our planet and a re-aligning and integration of ourselves as one with both."



The first symbol was placed high in the Southern Alps of New Zealand in June 2004.

Paul and Phoebe had been invited to the launch in Oamaru N.Z of Barry Brailfords latest book “Song of the Old Tides”. Barry has been a mentor and friend and with his partner Cushla has understood the call spirit gave them and encouraged and supported their journey.

They know very well the sacrifices that are made when one answers the call but also the rewards. The launch coincided with the need to place the first symbol. In a vision Paul had been shown the location but not the exact spot and the day it needed to be placed which was two day after the book launch on the winter solstice and not surprisingly, in Castle Hill. This area of N.Z is also known as the birth place of the Gods. It is a very powerful area where time and distance seem warped.

“As we drove towards Oamaru we were feeling very nervous about the whole journey and whether we were nuts or not. Then we both noted that hawks had been flying alongside our car all the way from the Abel Tasman National Park where we had stayed our first night on the South Island to the outskirts of Oamaru.

We had been guided and protected all the way."

The symbols cannot be placed without the blessings of the keepers of the ancient traditions of the lands that they go to and we were in total trust that it would happen and if not then we had misunderstood and it needed to go elsewhere. In either case we would have got to visit with some old and new friends and seen places of great beauty.

After the launch ceremony we approached Barry to show him the stone symbol and to tell him where it was to go. He took the stone and touched it to a large piece of Pounamu that had journeyed over the peace trail with a Tibetan monk and a member of the Hopi nation among others who were there on that day. Barry also dipped it into water that had come from the sacred lake and said a prayer over it. Phoebe turned and realised that behind her stood the Tibetan monk, the Hopi native and a Waitaha Elder who represented 61 generations of carvers of the sacred greenstone. The symbol was now ready to go to its final resting place.

Did we find the resting place for the stone and how? All is revealed in "Set By The Ancients" Book 1.



OUR TWELVE SACRED POUNAMU/GREENSTONE JOURNEYS: Click on each one to find the link to their story.

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