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To Purchase any of our Books and CD's please follow this link.


Dearest Paul & Phoebe, I wish to thank you wholeheartedly for your beautiful supportive energy and stories you have shared with me personally and through your book “Set By The Ancients”. Every interaction with you has inspired me to follow my path and be proud of who I am. I attended your book launch in August and obtained a copy of your first book “Set By The Ancients” and started reading immediately about your amazing purpose in life together. I was captivated from start to finish and I now eagerly await to share in the next chapter of your mystical journeys. The beautiful pictures you have included in your book drew me further into this wonderful adventure and I enjoy revisiting the stories by sometimes just looking at the pictures. It has been an honour to share the sacred knowledge you have gathered, of ancient cultures from around the world. Thankyou for your dedication to living your dreams and following your heart. 

Love & Blessings.
- Maria xx ;-)


"I have just finished Set By The Ancients.
It was so good that I just couldn't put it down once I started.
What an amazing journey you are undertaking. I was moved and in awe at the enormity of your journey.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, experiences and ordeals.
Bring on book 2 :o)
- Brigitte

"Just couldn't put the book down........thank you Paul and Phoebe"
- Sandy.

"I relished every word and took as long as I could to read it....just didn't want the adventures to end."
- Michael.

"I have never been so inspired by a book. I am off to follow my dreams....thank you"
- Donna.


"Set By The Ancients: A Mystical Journey of Trust, Love and Adventure" - A Review

There are those among us who are called out of an ordinary life and heed the invitation; who hear inner messages and listen to the direction, even when the why or wherefore is unclear. Answering the call is a measure of faith. Such is the case with Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk. This is their recounting of a spiritual path that has taken them on a global journey, to far-flung and unlikely places, but for specific purpose. Guided by unseen advisors, they were asked to undertake a pilgrimage across continents carrying the Greenstone of New Zealand, sacred to the Maoris, to make a connection with other Indigenous cultures and lands. To do so means to set aside convention and the well-meaning cautions of family or friends, a willingness to be called crazy and even be put in sometimes risky situations. In their book, they have given honest voice to their own evolution, the poignant mixture of beauty and pain that it takes to grow; and the rare joy of communion, sitting in sacred ceremony with Indigenous elders and fellow travelers along the way. Set by the Ancients is inspired through Phoebe's and Paul's belief in the absolute ability of individuals to affect global consciousness and invites us all to have the courage to jump in accordingly with complete immersion.

- Carla Woody - Author of Standing Stark and Calling Our Spirits Home











For our Cd's


Paul my thanks for the wonderful cd's. I have never meditated to a cd before and I actually did it- woo hoo! I am only just beginning my journey of self discovery and Sunday night was a profound time in my life. After the meditation I was so relaxed. I dreamt about something significant in my life at the moment and woke at 3am, wide awake. Neither of my children were awake (unsual!) and I just didn't know what to do with myself! I felt my mind was so clear for the first time in ages and I now know what I need to do in order to find my true and happy self!......

- Rebecca


Hi Paul and Phoebe, 

I just wanted to let you know that we have recently had something of a miracle in our household and it is all thanks to you (I bet you hear that quite often!)  

Our son Fynn who is 9 years old had been getting increasingly aggressive towards his brother, his father and I.  He had kicked a wall in and was constantly in a temper tantrum, yelling and crying at us.  We had tried everything the various parenting books suggested - ignoring, punishment, rewards, isolation...anything we could think of but nothing worked and we were really at our wits end.  Then one day he found your inner journey CD's which I had purchased for my mother when she was in hospital 2 years ago.  He asked if he could listen to them and now insists on having them on every night when he is going to sleep.  

He has totally calmed down and is now almost a completely different person - he no longer yells and shouts, he does what he is asked and is polite and helpful and he said to me that whenever he feels angry or upset he just lies down and listens to your CD's to help calm down.

He has some other meditation type CD's but definitely prefers yours and his favourite is 'Release'.

The transformation in him has been extraordinary in such a short time so thank you so very very much!

Love to you both from our (now much more peaceful) family

Kasadevi, Glen, Fynn & Torren Curtis


OUR TWELVE SACRED POUNAMU/GREENSTONE JOURNEYS: Click on each one to find the link to their story.

Copyright 2015 Ancient Pathways Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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