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"Represents the navigators of old, celebrates and honours their journeys, the lands they discovered and ultimately settled; supports the new spiritual navigators as they open and reconnect the links of the old with the new."

It is with growing trepidation that Paul and Phoebe wing their way toward the islands of Hawaii. They have only a few days to connect with the land, the people and find the resting place for the fourth sacred stone symbol, all before the next full moon. Paul had a strong knowing that it was to go to “The place of Refuge” on the Kona coast.

From there they will be journeying once again to Peru to connect with the Q’ero... they are feeling just a little under pressure but sure that spirit has it all worked out for them.

“The Hawaiian air was soft and balmy on arrival at Honolulu airport from where we hopped onto an Inter Island flight to the “Big Island”. As the plane flew fairly low over the other Islands that make up the Hawaiian chain, we were able to identify each one. We knew that they were all volcanic Islands but had not realized “just” how volcanic••• especially “Hawaii”.

As we touched down at Kona airport the large lava fields we saw, devoid of anything but one or two hardy trees was a surprise to us and a timely reminder that these islands may be old but they are continually renewing themselves and quite violently from time to time.

Soon we were driving (on the other side of the road and after a tad of orientation) in our hire car that looked like a small black hearse, toward the “Dragonfly Ranch”, our B&B for the duration of the stay on the Big Island. Found on the internet, the Ranch appeared to be just perfect for us, low key, environmental and it looked like a big tree house set in a lush tropical garden. It has been lovingly owned and run by Barbara Moore since 1974. During the drive we felt as if we were not far from home as the trees and flowers were the same ones we grew in our garden•••they were just a bit larger here.

We settled in fairly quickly after finding the ranch and soon realized that a large deck above our room looked right out to “Pu’uhona ‘O Honaunau” or “The Place of Refuge” and it was just a two minute drive away. We had all the proof we needed to be sure that this was the place and now we also knew that the symbol was to rest out at sea just off the ledge of lava. The question of how to get it there sprung to mind.

Barbara, during our emailing each other, had thought that there was some one she knew who would be good for us to connect with, so we were keen now to speak to this person. Meanwhile we were into sight seeing and swimming. One morning Barbara took us and another guest swimming/snorkeling with the local spinner dolphins. The water was so warm and clear and they came very close. A mother and baby broke off from the rest of the pod and swam toward me (Phoebe), underneath and then away with the others. We also managed to snorkel over the reefs and see the greenback turtles and hundreds of different species of brightly coloured tropical fish.

The next day we visited the volcano Mt Kiluea which was further down the coast. Luckily we had thrown our packs and lots of water in with us as we decide to take the chance and walk out to the viewing place where the lava flowed into the sea and stay to watch the night display of molten rocks being thrown up into the air as they hit the cooler ocean. It was a two and a half hour hike out to the area and over pretty rough ground. At least during the day we could see our way but the trek back was a bit of a challenge especially as the new guide beacons weren’t working.

Once again we saw the beauty of watching land being built sometimes dramatically and in contrast the softness of the summer air and the tropical plants.

Earlier we had trekked out to see the petroglyphs carved into the lava a few kilometres before the ranger station. Fascinating to think how people had lived there so long ago and left a record for all to see. Paul had an interesting interaction with a woman from America there but we will leave that story for our book. Needless to say our presence, for some reason, brought up her anger. We found that very interesting!

So our hostess has a change of mind about who she feels is the best person for us to connect with and suggest we need to meet Captain Kiko, a local Hawaiian who just happens to build in the old tradition and own a double hulled canoe. A quick phone call to Kiko finds him very interested but unfortunately on the day (which is now today) we need to go out he has another engagement on the other side of the island.

O.K. so it looks like Paul and I may need to do this ceremony on our own and with no connection to the local people. Did we find the right place for the stone and if so how? All is revealed in "Set By the Ancients" Book 1.

OUR TWELVE SACRED POUNAMU/GREENSTONE JOURNEYS: Click on each one to find the link to their story.

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