Open-mindedness is essential for all who wish to evolve or move forward with any part of their lives.
For us personally being open to what the Universe had in store for us led us on 12 different journeys to 11 of the most ancient tribes on the planet, to the spirit keeper of the tribes and to many remote destinations that many people will never see or experience in their lifetimes .
It became our whole lives! Work, play, relationships, health and so much more. And it still is. In effect it changed our lives because we were open to the experience and open to facing our fears and having our beliefs of what was possible altered beyond our imaginations. Out of that has come 3 books “Set By The Ancient” Books 1, 2 and 3 and 8 Self- help CDs based on the ancient wisdom we gathered on our journeys. We added into the mix our 30 plus years of clinical work as healers and being in a relationship. We had to be open minded with each other and what came to us in visions, intuition and guidance from other realms as well as this one. It didn’t make logical sense and some thoughts us crazy but we kept our minds and hearts open, trusted that our guides and the ancient ones of the planet were leading us somewhere and thank goodness we did because the rest as they say “ is history.” We were led on the most amazing adventure over 8 years that opened our minds even further. It painted our world on all levels with so much colour that we can never close that door again. Not that we would want to.
The Universe, your higher self and all your guides can only work with you if your mind is open. Once you open that door your life takes on a whole new meaning, new paths, new friendships and your heart expands to open to all there is.
You are constantly guided and prompted in certain directions every day. These ideas don’t come to you for no reason. The difference in your life will be when you are open to follow through on some of those ideas. When you think of something write it down and be open to researching and working with that idea. When you step out you give those around you permission to do the same. Always remember that it is never too late to be the person you may have been and to follow your heart and live your dreams.
Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk
Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk: Ancient Wisdom Mentors and Natural Therapist; Hypnotherapy and Acupuncture.